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What sets my stay & train program apart from others is the amount of dogs I take in at a time. I typically keep that number to two dogs at a time.. This ensures your dog is getting the attention they deserve and plenty of training. Your dog is also having their bad behaviors stopped as well, not just learning new behaviors only. When your dog is with me, not only are they getting plenty of training sessions a day, they’re learning how to relax in a home setting, going on outings with me and my personal dog, getting exposed to all kinds of different things they may run into in the world (cars, other reactive dogs, cats, squirrels, etc) and learning to ignore them.

We all know its difficult to leave your pet for weeks at a time, which is why I have started providing the option for dogs to go home on weekends. I give you, the owner homework to work on with your dog while they're back home, and it gives us a chance to see what needs more work and what doesn't. If this is not an option for you, or you will be out of town during the majority of the program, your dog will stay with me at no extra cost during weekends. 

All stay and train programs include weekly go-home lessons, as well as a final go home lesson.​

*All programs require a non-refundable $500 deposit to schedule.

Stay & Train: Services




7 -10 days

Our puppy obedience program is designed to set your dog up for success at an early age. They will be introduced to the following behaviors:

  • Heel (walk properly on a leash without pulling)

  • Place (go to your bed, spot, etc)

  • Sit/Stay

  • Down/Stay

  • Recall (coming when called)

  • Crate Training

  • Potty Training



2-3 weeks

While with me your dog will have any bad behavior they were exhibiting previously like leash pulling, lunging, barking, etc stopped and they will learn:

  • Recall (coming when called)

  • Heeling (walking on a leash property) 

  • Sit/stay (stay implies the dog doesn’t get up until released)

  • Down/stay

  • Place (go to your bed, cot, etc)

  • Crate training (learning to go in on command and remaining calm while in the crate)

  • Impulse control (learning to ignore things in the outside environment, other dogs, and pay attention to you/maintain behaviors. 

Stay & Train: Services


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(936) 238-6185

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